Organisation profile
Organisation profile
Tha Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba na chom-pàirteachas chomhairleachail nàiseanta airson ainmean-àite Gàidhlig ann an Alba. 'S e amas againn cruthan ceart de dh’ainmean-àite Ghàidhlig a stèidheachadh airson mhapaichean, shoidhnichean is eile.
Bidh sinn a’ cleachdadh sàr eòlas nam buidhnean ball againn, fiosrachadh ionadail is tùsan eachdraidheil gus cruthan seasmhach de dh’ainmean-àite Gàidhlig aontachadh. Cuideachd bidh sinn a’ cleachdadh prionnsabalan stèidhichte a leithid GOC agus an stiùireadh a rinn sinn fèin gus litreachadh cunbhalach a stèidheachadh.
O chionn 2000 tha sin air a bhith ag obair còmhla ris an t- Suirbhidh Òrdanais, comhairlean ionadail, ughdarrasan rathaidean is buidhnean poblach eile gus ainmean-àite Gàidhlig a sholarachadh airson mhapaichean, shoidhnichean is eile. Tha sinn a’ cur air bonn clàr-àite nàiseanta de dh’ainmean-àite Gàidhlig, mar a chaidh ainmeachadh an-seo: Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig. Gheibh sibh barrachd fiosrachaidh air làrach-lìn a’ phròiseict
Gaelic Place-names of Scotland
Place-names are a vital part of Scotland’s culture, which provides us with a lot of information on an area’s history, environment and language. Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (AÀA - Gaelic Place-Names of Scotland) is the national advisory partnership for Gaelic place-names in Scotland. Its main purpose is to agree correct forms of Gaelic place-names for maps, signs and general use. The project draws on the expertise of its member organisations, local knowledge and historical sources to agree authoritative forms of Gaelic place-names. To ensure consistent spelling AÀA uses established principles such as the Gaelic Orthographic Conventions and a set of guidelines AÀA has produced on Gaelic place-names. The partnership has been working with Ordnance Survey, local councils, roads authorities and other public bodies since 2000 to provide Gaelic place-names for maps, signs and other printed materials. To meet the growing demand for reliable information on Gaelic place-names, AÀA has set up the national Gaelic place-name gazetteer referred to in the National Plan for Gaelic. To browse the gazetteer, or for more information on the project, please visit