Describe the impacts resulting from your research
As a result of the conference paper, a postgraduate anthropology module has been designed, submitted for approval and approved.Who or what is affected by your research?
Students on the MSc in Leadership and Management and in the Management School, who are able to take this module, and any postgraduate student free to take a 20-credit option module from other curricular areas. The Highlands & Islands, and beyond, when able to access a course that will help them to understand the culture of the organisation in which they are situated. UHI itself, in having a postgraduate module grounded in applied anthropology.How did your research contribute or influence these changes?
As a consequence of the conference attended and the collaboration taking place as a result, it has been possible to design this module and see it approved.Impact status | In progress |
Impact date | 2017 |
Category of impact | Cultural Impacts, Other Impacts |
Impact level | Engagement |
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Research output: Contribution to conference › Abstract › peer-review