Shetland Islands Marine Spatial Plan



Users may wish to view the data contained within the Marine Atlas in a GIS package, such as ArcGIS, MapInfo or Google EarthTM. This not only allows you to use the data alongside your own development specific information, but also to view the additional information contained within our data sets. The GIS files contain additional information within the data attribute tables, providing additional background information for developers. This additional data, called ‘metadata’, contains further information such as when the data was collected and copyright information. Within GIS packages this metadata can be accessed by clicking on the identify icon, and then clicking on the item you wish you know more about. In Google EarthTM it is only necessary to click on the data point to access the additional information. This is explained in more detail within the Marine Atlas.
Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2011
Contains UKHO data © Crown copyright and/or database rights. Reproduced
by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office and the
UK Hydrographic Office.
Date made available1 Apr 2016
PublisherUHI Research Repository
Geographical coverageShetland Islands
Geospatial point60.365222,-1.251191Show on map

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