Performance and Album launch at Glasgow Celtic Connections Festival of the Far Flung Collective's 'Far Flung Corners'. A collaboration between Sound Storm and Wave Music Education Agency and Lews Castle College UHI. Featuring new work 'Suite Uist' from composer Anna-Wendy Stevenson. Se- seaughal beag a th’an – it’s a small world, a small world indeed. The Far Flung Collective project is a beautiful exploration of these two ideas which are simultaneously true, a sharing of musical and written response to fragile yet vital places, cultures and traditions. Developed as a joint collaboration between Soundstorm Music Agency, fiddler Anna-Wendy Stevenson and Lews Castle College UHI, the Far Flung Collective is an educational project with new artistic output of commercial recordings and international performances including Celtic Colours festival in Canada 2016 and Celtic Connections 2017. Over the past 5 years, Dorset based songwriter Alex Roberts and multi-instrumentalist Dan Somogyi, fiddlers and composers Simon Bradley and Anna-Wendy Stevenson have collaborated to deliver workshops in song writing and composition both in the Outer Hebrides and the Dorset Coast. Joined by students from the renowned traditional music courses at Lews Castle College University of the Highlands and Islands, Outer Hebrides, the workshop tours of 2012 and 2016 included professional and acclaimed performances as part of the Lighthouse Theatre in Poole. From this collaboration emerged not just new material developed in the workshop settings, but newly composed works as a result of artistic exchange of ideas inspired by and celebrating our respective places, our connections and our differences, our past and present. Suite Uist, composed by Anna-Wendy Stevenson celebrates her Island home, place and the music she is surrounded by. Taking traditional Gaelic music forms and working with modes found in Hebridean song, the concept apart from celebrating place, was to explore the possibility of writing new music which sounds deceptively ‘old’ throwing up questions of what constitutes concepts of ‘newness’ and ‘authenticity’. Suite Uist provides an instrumental lyrical contrast to the songs from Dorset on the Far Flung Corners commercial recording Janauary 2017.Period | 28 Jan 2017 |
Held at | Celtic Connections , United Kingdom |
- cross cultural collaboration
- creativity
- composition
- music education